Serampore College
Danish ConnectionThis college was started by the Serampore Trio consisting of William Carey, Joshua Marshman, and William Ward in 1818 and became the first college in India to offer a degree of students and still is the only college in India which can confer theology degrees.

Danish Government House
Danish ConnectionThis was the main seat of the Danish rule of Serampore. This was their main administrative building as well as the governors house.

St Olavs Church
Danish ConnectionThis is one of the grandest churches in Serampore with a history directly linking to the Danish rule of Serampore. After its recent renovation which has received a UN award this place is a must-visit.

Immaculate Conception Church
Danish ConnectionThis is the Roman Catholic Church of Serampore and also happens to be the oldest church of Serampore built-in 1776. At that time, however, it was a smaller church with expansions done in later years.

The Denmark Tavern
Danish ConnectionThis was once in complete ruins and after its restoration is now a restaurant and one of the sought-after destinations in Serampore. In 1786 this place was a lodge along with a café. Serampore being the Danish post was out of the English jurisdictions thus this place became infamous during its time for people wanting a quick getaway place. After its recent restoration, this place has been restored to its glory.

Serampore Rajbari
Rajbari (Palatial Home)This is a prime example of the Raj era of this region wherein the native Zamindars seemingly merged their trading with the foreign traders. Once they were the richest of the lot and that can easily be made out by the grandeur of the palatial building that they built. Over the years the money has declined and that has resulted in the worn-down structure. If you plan to visit this place during Durga Puja then don’t miss out on their Bonedi Pujo. Originally, they were Goswami and were rich merchants. This house was built by Raghuram Goswami around the 1820s.